Save A Life
Save a life was started in the memory of personal friends to tell their stories and to hopefully save the lives of other people and spare their friends and families the grief and sorrow that we have gone through.

Kylie King (1993-2011)

Kylie was just a simple girl who loved to have fun. She left behind a big brother, mother, and father.

Krichton Stonne (1991-2011)

(far left in the picture to the right) Krichton was a loving person, who was there for anyone who needed someone to talk to. He left behind a younger brother (who sadly completed a suicide a week after Krichton's death), and his mother.

Koriey Stonne (1993-2011)

Koriey is the younger brother of Krichton, he was a fun loving, wild teenage boy. He left behind a mother when he compeleted a suicide during the mourning of his older brother.

Rachel Moore (1992-2010)

Rachel was a talented, successful young lady. She was engaged to be married and pregnant. Unfortunately Rachel had a miscarriage and completed her suicide 2 days after losing her first child.

Brittney Moore (1993-2011)

Brittney was a teenage mother, who lost both of her children. She didn't want to deal with the heavy burden of not having her children and chose the wrong way out.

Johnny Kleigh (1992-2010)

Johnny was the best guy friend that anyone could ever even dream of having, he was close to everyone and made anyone smile. He chose suicide as an answer to a broken heart.